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Great Rivers 2-1-1

If you’re struggling with basic needs, addiction or in crisis—we will help. Reach us by dialing 2-1-1 or (800) 362-8255. We’re here 24/7. It won’t cost you anything. And we don’t share with anyone that you reached out. But we will connect you with the resources you need to get you through this.

Dial 2-1-1 Call (800) 362-8255 Online resources Order materials
Around-the-clock assistance

Call for help

We’re available by phone 24 hours a day. When you call, you’ll connect with one of our specialists. They’ll listen to you and then link you to the best support option in your community.

I want to call

Other ways to connect


Connect with Great Rivers 2-1-1 specialists by text weekday afternoons and evenings. To begin, text your zip code to 898211.

Chat online

Reach out to our specialists through online chat, available 8 am to 4 pm weekdays.

I want to chat


2-1-1 website is a rich resource, if you’d like to search for options on your own.
Start your search


Addiction services

We can connect you to support groups, treatment facilities and other important resources if you or your loved one is battling addiction.

Crisis services

Call or chat with us if you’re a victim of domestic or sexual violence or if you’re experiencing a mental health crisis. We’re here to listen and help.

Basic needs

If you’re facing a financial crisis, Great Rivers 2-1-1 can direct you to resources that can help you find a job, shelter, food, clothing or help with rent and utility disconnect assistance.

Children and families

We can connect you with supportive resources for parenting help, teenage pregnancy, children’s mental health and assistance meeting the basic needs for your child, including food, clothing, diapers or healthcare.

Senior citizens and adults with disabilities

Contact our specialists to find resources for housing alternatives, home healthcare, respite care, Alzheimer's/dementia care, benefits assistance, elder abuse, senior citizen centers and recreational activities.

Community resources

Great Rivers 2-1-1 is also your connection to your community. We have information on festivals, holiday meals and programs, special workshops and more.

Specialty services

Carrier Alert

Developed for seniors and people with disabilities, the Carrier Alert program provides special monitoring for those who live alone. After registration, mail carriers will notify Great Rivers 2-1-1 if the mail isn’t collected at the home. Our specialists will try to reach the resident, emergency contacts and police, if needed.
Register for a Carrier Alert

Disaster services

Natural disasters upset our lives. When you're impacted, we’re here to connect you with the resources that can help. We also support local disaster efforts, such as collecting disaster reports.

Our mission, your work

About Great Rivers 2-1-1

We’re here to help. That’s our only job. We keep an extensive database of community resources so that we can get people to the right place when they need it. We serve 21 counties in southwest Wisconsin, southeast Minnesota and northeast Iowa.

The help you need

Join our resource list

We want to spread the word about the important service you provide. Call us at 2-1-1 to include your agency in our database.

Include us


We’re accredited by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems and that means we meet the highest standards in our industry. We're proud of that.

How to connect

For business purposes, call (608) 775-6339 or (608) 775-5586.

Email our director Carla Lundeen at [email protected] and our database coordinator Ru Ance Lor at [email protected].

1900 South Ave.
La Crosse, WI 54601

(608) 782-7300

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